Jordan's Library Private Community

Jordan's Library Private Community

51 Reviews

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Customer Q&A
Q: Does the community group help members build from ground zero, or does it require a product and store already developed?
A: We help people at all stages of dropshipping, whether it be from picking your first product, or if you are currently scaling your store and need a bit of help! Everyone is welcome!
Asked on Jul 26, 2023
Q: does dropshipping really still work today?
A: Of course! But the old model of dropshipping has died with shitty general stores and half-fast websites. It's all about branded dropshipping now 🚀🚀
Asked on Sep 6, 2023
Q: Is the giveaway with Jordan still going on? and can he help me find winning products?
A: Absolutely! Every month, we select a T2 member to win a 1:1 session. While the discord can guide you in product selection, you'll get the most out of the giveaway when you're looking to grow your store and need guidance on the next moves. That's when the 1:1 really shines! :)
Asked on Aug 10, 2023
Q: How much money realistically do I need to get started? I would have already joined but idk how much money do I need upfront to run the business.
A: You can start with very little money! All you really need is your shopify store and a review app like loox. If you want to save by not spending money on ads, we can teach you all about organic marketing!
Asked on Jan 6, 2024
Q: Is the private community any use for someone living in the uk and wanting to dropship from the uk as I know jordan is based in the US? Thanks
A: Yes, the fundamentals of dropshipping is universal! Some countries might experience different legal issues throughout their journey, but the principles are the same worldwide!
Asked on Dec 29, 2023
Q: Can i legally make a e commerce business if im under the age of 18?
A: Of course! You can start your journey at any age and start making money. You will just need your parents help with setting up your shopify payments.
Asked on Jan 4, 2024
Q: Will this community provide information on how to use TikTok in India and how to use a VPN to get views on TikTok videos?
A: Yes, we have a list of resources for international members that has information on VPN & SIM cards.
Asked on Jan 23, 2024
Q: Do you teach organic dropshipping even though I'm not from US
A: Yes, we have a team of international Verified Assistants who provide expert advice on international business.
Asked on Jan 25, 2024
Q: Do I need to pay $97 per month to be in the community
A: Yes, the monthly subscription is $97/month for the membership.
Asked on Jan 30, 2024
Q: If a person has zero knowledge about dropshipping, would you guide them? And do you have 24/7 support?
A: If you have zero knowledge of dropshipping, we highly recommend watching Jordan's thorough course at www.jordanslibrary.com. This is by far the most comprehensive beginner dropshipping course out there. And yes we do have 24/7 support on the Discord!
Asked on Dec 31, 2023
Q: How should I watch the 18 hour course? Should I watch 1 module per day or? How do I structure this? Thank you for the response
A: We recommend you watch the entire course to understand the content then watch it a second time taking the actions. There isn't a set structure, but whatever works best for you.
Asked on Jan 27, 2024
Q: Are these methods working in Europe to?
A: Yes, they do! Some things might be different depending on the legal structures of different countries, but the same principles on dropshipping apply worldwide!
Asked on Jan 4, 2024
Q: When is the best time to join the discord? After completing the course, after finding a product, or after creating your store and selling?
A: You're welcome to join the Discord at any time in your ecommerce journey! We offer advisement on any stage of your dropshipping journey.
Asked on Jan 17, 2024
Q: Do you have any experience with German customers who have joined the community?
A: Yes we do! We have international students from all over the world and a seperate international section so you can network and problem solve with people who have expereinced similar problems.
Asked on Jan 8, 2024
Q: Does it work for Pakistani people also??
A: Our course and community group may vary based on your location. Our international team may be able to advise you on your current situation.
Asked on Jan 14, 2024